Selling Houses Australia is an Australian reality and lifestyle TV series, based on the British show of the same name. The series follows property owners who are having difficulty selling their home. The show is hosted by property expert and author Andrew Winter, who is joined by landscaper Charlie Albone, and interior designer Shaynna Blaze. The team initially assess the property, and then proceed with a renovation to boost the property's appeal and sale-ability. The property is then put up for sale and the result is shown at the end of each episode. It is produced exclusively for Foxtel by Beyond Productions.
In 2009 and 2010, the show won ASTRA Awards for Most Outstanding Lifestyle Program and Viewer's Favourite Program. In 2013, the show won Most Outstanding Lifestyle Program, and in 2014, was named Favourite Program - Australian. In 2013, Selling Houses Australia was the highest rating LifeStyle Channel series and was the No. 1 regular program on Pay TV. In its seventh series, which aired in 2014, the show became the highest rating series in Foxtel history, reaching a cumulative average of 603,000 viewers per episode, and "2.6 million unique people, equivalent to 37% of all Foxtel subscribers" across the series.
In May 2014, it was announced that a five-episode special, Inside Selling Houses Australia, would begin airing on 25 June. The series sees Winter, Albone and Blaze "swap war stories from their seven years together doing property makeovers." The final episode aired in January 2015.
Free-to-air network, Seven Network, picked up the rights to the series and began airing the series from its fifth season on 25 August 2016.
Video Selling Houses Australia
- Andrew Winter - presenter and professional real estate agent
- Shaynna Blaze - interior designer
- Charlie Albone - exterior and garden designer
Maps Selling Houses Australia
Series overview
Season 1 (2008)
Season 2 (2009)
Season 3 (2010)
Season 4 (2011)
Season 5 (2012)
Season 6 (2013)
Season 7 (2014)
Season 8 (2015)
Season 9 (2016)
Season 10 (2017)
Inside Selling Houses Australia (2014-15)
DVD releases
See also
- Location Location Location Australia
- Deadline Design
External links
- Official site
Source of article : Wikipedia